
Integrating the Grid Map Library into Move Base Flex and the ROS Navigation Stack

Robot navigation is a contemporary field of research in which the optimal path a robot could take has to be computed with decreased computational costs. The robot should then move as enduringly and efficiently as possible by taking the area’s different costs into consideration. The present bachelor thesis analyzes the performance of Move Base Flex and the ROS Navigation Stack into which the Grid Map library was integrated. Grid Map is a library for 2.

Move Base Flex: A Highly Flexible Navigation Framework for Mobile Robots

Move Base Flex

Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the mbf_abstract_nav and the mbf_abstract_core. For navigation on costmaps see mbf_costmap_nav and mbf_costmap_core.