Die Programmiersprache C++



  • Knowledge about the foundations of C/C++
  • Memory mangement techniques
  • C/C++ programming patterns
  • Practical programming skills in C/C++
  • Independent management of C++ programming projects

Exemplary Content

  • Basic concepts of C and C++ programming
  • Usage of external C and C++ libraries like Boost
  • Common C++ build tools like make and cmake
  • Code management and version control with git


Title Die Programmiersprache C++
Semester Jedes Wintersemester
Duration 1 Semester
Exam Written exam (120 min) or oral exam (30 min) or editing and Presentation of exercises and internship result
Examination Requirements In the exam, those through the entire module become too mediating qualifications.
Modul Concluding Committee Departmental Council Mathematics / Computer Science
Modul Representative Modul- und Vorlesungsverzeichnis-Beauftragte(r) der Informatik
Preliminary Examinations
  • Successful participation in the exercises
  • Successful presentation of the programming assignments to the tutors
  • Particifation in the practical at the end of the course

Credit hours per week

Semesterwochenstunden (SWS), 1 SWS is about 15 hours in the whole semester.

Presence Self-Study Total
Lecture 1 SWS 2 SWS 3 SWS
Exercises 1 SWS 2 SWS 3 SWS
Practical 2 SWS 4 SWS 6 SWS
Gesamt 4 SWS 8 SWS 12 SWS