
Integration von Schleifenschlüssen in HATSDF-SLAM

Konsistente Texturberechnung aus mehreren Scanpositionen mittels Raytracing


In quite a few projects world-wide, 3D Mapping technology has been used for documenting historical buildings – typically involving a massive amount of time and person power for both the data capture and their processing for public access (if that is granted at all). This can be afforded for eminent buildings like the Pantheon in Rome or the Cologne Cathedral; it is prohibitive for the many thousands of listed historic buildings constituting the cultural heritage of a whole region. 3DInOs was a study for developing and exemplifying a concept how to document historical buildings in a level of detail satisfying art historians’ needs and involving much limited cost for capturing, processing, and archiving the data, owing to the automatization and standardization of many of the processes and data formats involved.


The LiSA project was funded by BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). Project duration was 1.4.2006 - 31.7.2009. The goal was to develop an autonomous mobile robot as a system assisting in a life-science research lab environment.


Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement